How Valuable Are Social Media Sponsorships?
Emarketer Social media sponsorships, or paying for mentions in social media, have become a more common practice, as marketers are willing to pay for mentions on platforms including blogs, videos, Facebook, Twitter and check-in services. Additionally,...
Two in Five Mobile Owners Use Internet on the Go
Elmarketer A new eMarketer forecast projects nearly 50% growth in US smartphone users this year, along with almost 25% growth in mobile internet usage. By the end of 2011, nearly 100 million Americans will be hitting up the web via mobile each month....
Visualiser clairement un objectif permet d'augmenter sa performance
Dans L'Atelier Selon des chercheurs en commerce américains, une représentation concrète d'un objectif pousserait un employé à s'impliquer d'avantage pour l'atteindre. La visualisation serait un moyen efficace pour motiver les employés. C'est ce que tend...
What Changing Social Media Usage Means for Marketers
Emarketer Facebook is still growing its worldwide user base, but in the US and other advanced countries, growth has tapered and user habits are shifting. Similar changes are under way for other social media. Could less user activity be a boon for marketers?...
How Social Media Marketers Can Make the Most of Monitoring Tools
Emarketer Many marketers use a mix of tools to monitor their social media efforts, but using a single campaign management suite also has benefits. Either way, using the right tools is only the first step. Marketers must be prepared to work in a collaborative...
Western European Ecommerce Market Continues Strong Growth
Emarketer A new eMarketer report analyzes the business-to-consumer ecommerce picture in France, Germany, Italy and Spain, where there remains significant variation in consumer behavior and participation in the online marketplace. Full Article
Retail, CPG Pour Most New Dollars into Online Ads
Emarketer US online ad spending will increase by $5.26 billion this year, eMarketer estimates, and the greatest share of new online outlays will come from retailers and consumer packaged goods marketers. The two industries will continue to account for...
Social Media Advertisers Still Rely on Search for Budgets
e marketer While marketers often execute paid social media programs in-house, paid search agencies are the second most popular managers of these initiatives. To fund such efforts, social media budgets are still most often pulling from search budgets....
Listening and Engaging on Social Media Yield Positive Results
Emarketer Marketers are improving their business by listening to, engaging with and leveraging the insights garnered from interacting with their customers online. There are many ways to measure the results of such initiatives, and marketers report seeing...
How Professionals Use LinkedIn
Emarketer LinkedIn is the primary social network for professional networking, and different types of professionals use the site for different reasons. Higher level executives use the site more for hiring and promoting their businesses, while entry level...